Thursday, August 1, 2013

What determines your station in life?

It isn't your race, it isn't religion, it isn't your education, where you were born, who your parents are,  or how much money you have, it is your attitude.  As Zig Ziggler says, "It's your attitude that determines your altitude!"  Your attitude is contagious.  If you are positive, confident, and friendly almost everyone you meet will smile and treat you with respect and most will want to find a way to help you.  If your attitude is negative, bitchy, and sour few people will lift a finger to help you or feel sorry for you and no one wants to be around you.  If your attitude is that someone other than you is responsible for your station in life you are simply wrong.  You will never improve your life until you improve your attitude!

Try it before you scoff at this advice!  What do you have to lose?

And BTW, contrary to what you may hear from the Inside the Beltway crowd in DC, or some leftist follower of the latest fads, no one owes you anything!